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The consumption of good tasting rice, mainly soft-textured white rice with low amylose content, has substantially increased in China as living standards improve. However, this diet change may increase the risk of developing type II diabetes because the soft-textured white rice is generally less resistant to digestion and has a higher glycemic index. In contrast, intake of brown rice is inversely associated with type II diabetes risk. This study was conducted to test the possibility that brown rice processed from soft-textured c*rs has both acceptable texture and improved health benefits. Texture and digestion properties were compared between white and brown rice of five indica c*rs preferred by Chinese consumers. Mean hardness was 33% higher while mean springiness was 5% lower for cooked

brown rice than for cooked white rice. As compared to cooked white rice, cooked brown rice had a 41% longer mean active digestion duration but 31% lower mean glucose production rate and 11% lower mean total glucose production from starch digestion. However, the differences in texture and starch digestion properties between cooked brown and white rice were affected by c*r identity. Brown rice processed from suitable c*rs with both a relatively thinner bran layer and relatively higher grain amylose content met consumer requirements in terms of acceptable texture and improved health benefits.







沐川县| 应用必备| 余姚市| 大连市| 都兰县| 云南省| 屯昌县| 凉山| 大兴区| 临沂市| 奉贤区| 安吉县| 府谷县| 新民市| 哈密市| 昌宁县| 云龙县| 太湖县| 平昌县| 瓦房店市| 北川| 都昌县| 汝阳县| 天峻县| 新和县| 莫力| 姜堰市| 诸城市| 濮阳县| 阜南县| 罗定市| 宁远县| 怀宁县| 金寨县| 芜湖市| 伊春市| 镇雄县| 双桥区| 美姑县| 兴国县| 龙陵县|